Festival Boca Stream

Information on Streaming Events

Options for Viewing the Festival Boca Livestream

Watch With the Vimeo App

Step 1

  1. In your email program, open the ticket purchase confirmation that has the Vimeo link to your Event Page.
  2. Click on the link. You will see the "hold screen" for the event showing its date and time.
  3. In the top right corner of the screen, click the JOIN button. This will allow you to create a free Vimeo account.
  4. After you create your account, return to the Event Page, then click your User Name icon in the upper-right and select "Watch Later".
  5. Repeat this for any other Festival Event (each has a separate link) adding each video to your Watch Later List.
  6. You only need to do all of this once per video.

Step 2

  1. On your Smart TV, Apple TV, or other streaming device, install the Vimeo App.
  2. Sign in to your free account using the credentials you set in Step 1.
  3. After logging in, you can access your Events from the Watch Later list.

Now your private videos will play on your big Smart TV!

Watch With a Web Browser

  • You can view the evening's presentation directly in your web browser. If you want to view the video full screen, just click the link in your email to go to the Vimeo streaming page, then click the full-screen icon in the lower right of the window:
  • The easiest and most reliable solution is to make the event full screen on your laptop or desktop computer, then use an HDMI cable to connect your computer to your TV (follow that link for a nice YouTube tutorial).
  • Some TVs have a built-in web browser app, in which case you can just navigate to this webpage and then click the full-screen button.
  • If you do not have the requisite cables, you can often install a screen mirroring app on your computer that will allow you to broadcast what is appearing on your screen onto your TV. This can take some computer expertise, and may not be for the faint-hearted (it also can get a bit "laggy" if your WiFi is a bit unreliable).
    • If you have a Mac and a MacTV, you can use Airplay.
    • This app gets good ratings for Amazon Fire Stick.
    • If you have Roku or Chromecast, etc., search in your streaming service's store for "mirror screen."


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